On-the-job injuries are covered by the University’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy, provided at no cost to employees. If you are injured on the job, no matter how slightly, report the incident immediately to the Human Resources Department. We ask for your assistance in alerting management to any condition that could lead or contribute to an employee accident. Additionally, the University will attempt to provide a reasonable accommodation which is medically necessary, feasible and does not impose an undue hardship on the University as prescribed by applicable federal, state or local law.
The University will abide by all requirements set forth by the Workers’ Compensation Act and other applicable law. We will not take any adverse action against an employee in retaliation for filing a worker’s compensation claim.
The benefits payable for the duration of payment depend upon the nature of your injury or illness. You will be taken to a nearby urgent care center or hospital if you cannot be treated adequately on the University premises.