Continuous Quality Improvement

C-Q-I is an acronym for Continuous Quality Improvement

Using the principles of CQI, this committee identifies challenges in the processes and systems within both the administrative and academic areas of AUA (excluding curriculum). The members of the committee then examine the contributing issues and identify means to improve these issues and develop improved protocols.

Governance Chart

CQI reports to the Vice President for Administrative Services and Community Affairs.

Committee Activities

In light of the committee’s charge, the committee is expected to do the following:

  1. Solicit areas of problem from all faculty and staff by direct contact inviting their comments.
  2. Contact administrative departments including student affairs, finance, housekeeping, security, faculty assistants, and human resources to monitor for areas of quality concerns.
  3. Contact faculty departments including basic sciences, ICM, and EED to monitor for areas of quality concerns.
  4. Explore the existing protocols to identify the course of the quality concern.
  5. Identify routes of improvement by reviewing existing processes and protocols in the light of the concerns.
  6. Formulate a proposal for improving the processes and present constructive suggestions for change to Vice president for Administrative Services and Community Affairs.
  7. Review the revised processes to ensure improved quality of outcomes.