AUA requires consistent attendance and punctuality from all employees. All employees are required to report to work on time whenever scheduled, and continue to work until the end of their scheduled work period. AUA recognizes that on occasion circumstances beyond an employee’s control may arise causing them to be absent from work for all or part of a day. However, unauthorized or habitual absenteeism, tardiness or a recognized pattern of behavior that can be identified leading to forced absence, will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Habitual absenteeism and/or habitual tardiness is defined as being absent or late 3 or more consecutive times in a calendar month. It is the responsibility of the employee’s immediate supervisor to monitor and maintain a record of attendance for each employee. If an employee has an attendance issue, i.e. habitually late (whether or not they have been docked pay), absence or a combination of both, the problem should be discussed with the employee as soon as it is noticed.
In the event of lateness or absence due to an illness, accident or personal problem, employees are required to contact their manager / immediate supervisor via telephone, email or text no later than 2 hours before their regularly scheduled start time on the day of being late or absent.
If an employee is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days without appropriate notification to the relevant authorities, a “no call – no show”, they will be considered to have voluntarily terminated their employment (job abandonment) as of the last day worked.
If an employee is sick for three (3) or more consecutive days, on the third day AUA will require medical certification from a physician verifying an absence due to medical necessity and indicating the employee’s ability to return to work. Failure to follow these procedures may result in an unexcused absence, which is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Definitions for Lateness & Absence:
All employees are expected to be at their assigned work area, ready to work at their regular starting time each day on which they are scheduled to work. Similarly, employees are allowed to take an authorized meal break and must return within the allotted time.
An employee who is not at his/her desk (assigned workplace) prepared to work at the beginning of his/her scheduled work time is considered to be late.
Arriving late to or leaving early from scheduled work times or meal breaks and rest periods is not permitted. Repeated instances of tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Department managers have the discretion not to consider an employee late for attendance purposes if there is an unusual circumstance. However hours worked for the purpose of pay calculation will be based on the AUA time record.
Absent time is defined as:
Break Periods
Every full-time employee and part-time employee scheduled to work more than six hours in one day, is required to take a lunch break of not more than 60 minutes in duration. Employees are expected to take one break and not work through meals so as to arrive late, leave early or accrue overtime, unless authorized by a supervisor or immediate manager. Deviation from the work schedule without prior written authorization from the employee’s manager will not be permitted.
In order to maintain a high level of service to our customers (internal and external), meal and rest breaks of 10 minutes or less should be scheduled and/or staggered by department supervisors/managers so as to ensure continuous coverage and preserve the highest quality of customer service.
Other than one (1) non-paid meal period, no other breaks are permitted unless previously authorized by an employee’s supervisor/manager. Rest periods of 10 minutes or less are compensable working time and employees are expected to not let them interfere with their job. Rest periods are limited to two (2) 10 minute breaks per day.